Unwanted text messages and now I'm being charged for these nuisance.
I'm pissed.
Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 877-402-3687
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I may be able to help you all get your money back. My wife and I went through the same thing just this very week. When you call your carrier to ask them what the "premium text message" is, they will tell you that they can only direct you to the website of the "program" that you signed up for. Well, as we all know, that "program" is not a legitimate service that you signed up for, and it is offered by Solow.com. Well, if you go to their site, and look all over, they only offer email communication, or a single phone number. When you call this number, you choose your carrier and are directed straight to voicemail. I left an EXTREMELY angry message informing them that they had 24 hours to respond, offering me a full refund, or I would:
1. Contact the State Attourney General.
2. File a fraud charge with the FCC through Verizon and
3. Retain an attourney and take them to small claims court.
They promptly contacted me back and offered me a full refund, as well as the secret, unpublished number that you can call to actually speak to a real person...
Again, that gets you to a line where you can SPEAK TO A REAL PERSON!!! Simply choose your carrier, then press ZERO to speak to a real person. The woman that answered with me told me that she would only be able to give me back $9.99, rather than the full $29.97, which I believe is just part of the "script" that the call center representatives read. I told her that was unacceptable, and that they would be issuing me a full refund immediately. She put me on hold for about 2 minutes, then came back on and took down all of my information to mail me a check for the complete amount: $29.97. I hope that this helps you all, and PLEASE, spread the actual customer service number around as much as you can so that we can overload their call center and force them to hire more people, thus making this business practice no longer profitable.
Thank you!
Caller: Solow
Company: Solow
Number: 877-402-3687