FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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Walt - 03-08-2012

Like the people above this phone number which lists as a Toll Free Call has called repeatedly day and night for weeks. They call say nothing for 30 to 45 seconds then a computer voice says "good bye". Last time I had a harassing calls like this I tried the local police department which they did file an harrasment report on but could do nothing. I was told to contact the AT&T Annoyance Call Bureau which they did not have a number for but found out it was a useless web site. I finally went to the FCC and filed a complaint with them and about a month later was emailed back saying they were perfectly legal closing the case. It also seems like no ones enforcing the "Do Not Call List" either and it opens the doors to even more spammers.

Number: 877-426-6149


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