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Wendy Nault - 05-21-2012


I just got the same exact call and ws threatened with a law suit. I have seen comments that this is a scam and these people are trying to get money. A payday dervice can not sue for fraud. They told me I will need a lawyer to go to court and the judge is not going to care if I took the loan out or not.

Company: Westwood Asset Management
Number: 877-454-5563


Wendy Nault - 05-21-2012

Has been calling my mom and ex-boyfriend about a payday loan that I never had in 2007. Address they gave me is not valid and didn't live there when they said the loan was taken out. Trying to get me to pay $1500 in fees or I will have to go to court and pay $5000. This is BS and I know that a payday company can't sue for fraud. He claimed that he didn't know the name of the actual payday company because that information isn't provided to him.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Mitch Tanner
Company: Westwood Asset Management
Number: 877-454-5563


Jan Hauck - 05-18-2012

Left a message and called me by my former married name which I haven't had in 5 yrs. Saying something about bad checks under my social security number and message was pursuant to federal article 95-109. I think it's a scam.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Westwood Asset Management
Number: 877-454-5563


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