FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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Bo in Hudson - 01-08-2015

POTENTIAL SCAMMER in my opinion. This phone number (877-522-7559) was provided in a separate NON-CLOSABLE window that opened when I contacted a website on "chalk fonts." The window had Microsoft Essentials references along with dire warnings that my system was contaminated with several SEVERE THREAT viruses. The non-closable window was in front of but could be moved out of the way of another window that looked like a Microsoft Essentials compilation of varying threat level viruses. This phone number was listed as the one you should call for assistance. I called it to see who was there and a man answered saying he was a computer specialist that could help me. No reference to Microsoft Essentials!I hung up.

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 877-522-7559


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