FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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lolo - 05-11-2009

They just keep calling!

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: platinum
Number: 877-555-2232


Jackie Duboise - 05-01-2009

The first time I answered the phone from this number I asked the man to remove my number from the list. He stated "you are hurting my ears, F@#$ off!" and hung up. Two nights ago another call from this number. When my husband asked to speak to a supervisor he was told he would have to pay them 4.95 and they would send him a packet in order to file a complaint. He asked the man repeatedly to speak to a supervisor and advised them to remove my number from their list.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: platinum
Number: 877-555-2232


Gom - 03-16-2009

I get non-stop calls from this number.

Number: 877-555-2232


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