Calling me, trying to scare me into paying a certain amount before they escalate this to a legal matter stating that I need to pay off a loan from February 2013 for Manhattan processing. States I had insufficient funds to pay it off. Never heard of Manhattan processing, never taken out a loan (2013, I was too young to even need one), never gotten a notice from my bank saying a charge was made where I had insufficient funds. Stated my public information but messed up on one crucial part. They're a joke
Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Michael McGee John
Company: Allied services Manhattan processing
Number: 877-752-4717
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Also to added, the callers contacted a relative first who I hadn't seen since 2013. They gave the phone number to my mom and worried that it'd be serious. Before then, never heard of these scamming dumb fucks before
Caller: Michael McGee John
Company: Allied services Manhattan processing
Number: 877-752-4717