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Scarlett - 07-11-2014

Man called my mother, using 2 aliases: Agent Tom Carroll and Steven Miller. Disclosed on my mother's answering machine that I AND SHE were being sued. Gave NO information about the debt. My mother is not a party to any contract I have signed in the last 10 years. She also has not been listed as a reference on any contract I have signed in the last 10 years. Man used her middle name, which neither she nor I ever disclose, meaning he got her information via public records. He is giving out false information and breaking the law.

He stated I would be sued in court. I have received NO written communication about debts I may owe except from my credit card companies.

He also left a message on MY work voicemail, thinking he was leaving a message on hers, advising ME that SHE was being sued, which is also illegal.

The phone number he provided, multiple times is related to Columbian Emeralds Jewelry SAS.

Number: 877-919-8002


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