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Graig - 08-14-2014

Hard to get hold of this number. People spoke in strange accent. Threatened to have me arrested unless i payed money right now. Had to be cash and had to withdraw it now. IRS does not work this way. They have to notify you before they take any action.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: IRS
Number: 888-393-2430


Chico CA - 08-13-2014

Caller stated they were from the IRS Tax Audit Division, that there was going to be an arrest warrant for me, and wanted me to call their number first. Female caller spoke rapidly but not mean-spirited. And of course, the sign off was "Have a blessed day."

Even on a good day, I don't think the IRS would prompt for a blessed day.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Female voice Left a badge number 594982
Company: IRS Tax Audit
Number: 888-393-2430


Gin - 08-13-2014

This person left a message on my voicemail.
Said he was from the IRS. Spoke in a very
threatening tone of voice, and spoke extremely fast.
Said I committed tax fraud and that they
were coming after me?

The IRS does not work that way.

I'm going in for major surgery in the a.m., didn't need any more stress in my life.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: IRS
Number: 888-393-2430


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