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Business Owner - 02-18-2014

I received a call from 901-249-1445. I have found with a live person I just lay the phone down and go about my business. They will hang up in about 30 seconds or less. On a good day I ask them what do they want to listen to on the tv and they will hang up.Try it and see how it works for you.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 901-249-1445


Barbara - 02-18-2014


Caller type: Other
Number: 901-249-1445


Kevin Fields - 02-17-2014

I also just got a call from 901-249-1445. It was a sales pitch for a home alarm system. Curious, it said to press 1 to hear more or press 9 to be added to their "Do Not Call" list. I pressed 1 and it immediately hung up. I called it back and I got an automated message to press any number to be added to their "Do Not Call" list.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 901-249-1445


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