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omaha texas - 01-25-2012

I would like for Dominic Axle or Todd Morrow to stop harrassing me from this cell phone number and from 903-204-0141, he also has a number at 903-452-9469, please help me solve this matter. . . he works for his parents at Dickie Morrow Body Shop in Mount Pleasant, Tx. I get calls from 903-572-7591, 903-572-7594, and 903-572-6175, what do I need to do? I have reported this continuous act and he does threaten me--this is copied and pasted from previous complainant. please help us.

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: dominic axle
Company: dickie morrow body shop
Number: 903-932-6878


omaha texas - 01-25-2012

I would like for Todd Morrow to stop harrassing me from this cell phone number and from 903-204-0141, he also has a number at 903-452-9469, please help me solve this matter. . . he works for his parents at Dickie Morrow Body Shop in Mount Pleasant, Tx. I get calls from 903-572-7591, 903-572-7594, and 903-572-6175, what do I need to do? I have reported this continuous act and he does threaten me. I have copied and pasted this from previous complainant. please help me.

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: dominic axle or todd morrow
Company: Dickie Morrow Body Shop Mt Pleasant TX
Number: 903-932-6878


omaha texas - 01-25-2012

I would like for Todd Morrow to stop harrassing me from this cell phone number and from 903-204-0141, he also has a number at 903-452-9469, please help me solve this matter. . . he works for his parents at Dickie Morrow Body Shop in Mount Pleasant, Tx. I get calls from 903-572-7591, 903-572-7594, and 903-572-6175, what do I need to do? I have reported this continuous act and he does threaten me. I have copied and pasted this from a previous complaint from gkaye?? because the numbers are all the same he calls me from. He is 41 yrs old and works for his parents body shop, can't they do anything to stop the calls from the business?

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: Dominic Axle-Todd Morrow
Company: Dickie Morrow Body Shop Mt Pleasant TX
Number: 903-932-6878


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