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Penny - 12-02-2014

By the way, they are masking their number. I have also received calls from them at 416-237-9210 and "anonymous" on my call display. I will stop answering any calls that contain these numbers or are not identified.

Number: 905-237-9210


Penny - 12-02-2014

Receiving the same stupid duct cleaning calls. When I ask them to remove me from their mailing list, they hang up before I can finish. Then they call again, sometimes the same day. Surely someone can do something about this!!

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 905-237-9210


Kamil - 11-19-2014

This number 905-237-9210 calls me almost every day. I finally answered. He with a thick south Asian accent told me about duct cleaning. I asked him stop calling me. He called me a bitch and ho.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 905-237-9210


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