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Kail - 02-21-2014

I have a private, unlisted number that is on the Nation DNC registry. Someone from this number called my home the week of Feb 14, 2014 – caller ID identified it as “Urban Express”. I did not pick up – they did not leave a message. Someone again called me on Feb 20, 2014 – the caller ID said “Urban Express” but the caller said she was from “Diabetic Care” – she said her name was Shauna. When I first picked up the phone and said “Hello” I could hear laughter and noise in the background. I’m like “Hello? Hell-lowww?” Finally she identified herself and asked to speak to “Mrs _____” (insert my last name). When I identified myself as such she said “I have it noted here that you’re a diabetic – that’s correct, right?” I said “no it isn’t.” Then she said “What about your husband – is he diabetic?” That’s highly unlikely seeing as how I’m not diabetic and I’m not and never have been married. When I said “Where did you get our information?” she immediately hung up. What concerns me – this was not a random call – she has my phone number AND name.

Caller: Shauna
Company: Diabetic Care but caller ID said Urban Express
Number: 908-249-4150


Kail - 02-21-2014

My number is private and unlisted and has been for years. It's also on the national DNC registry. Someone from this number called my home the week of Feb 14, 2014 - I did not pick up - they did not leave a message. On Feb 20, 2014 they called again. I picked up, said hello and waited - there was laughter and noise in the background. I'm like "hello? Hell-loww?". That's when "Shauna" picked up and said "May I speak to Mrs ____" (insert my last name). When I acknowledged that was me "Shauna" said "I have it noted here that you are a diabetic - is that correct?" I said "no it's not". Then she said "What about your husband". I'm neither diabetic nor have I ever been married so I said "Where did you get our information" and she immediately hung up.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Shauna
Company: Diabetic Care but caller ID said Urban Express
Number: 908-249-4150


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