FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


Central Office: ONTARIO, CA - PAC - WEST TELECOMM, INC. [?]

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Victor - 11-12-2014

This guy pretending to be from credit correction company, wants me to give him my credit card number and my SS. number.
I told him I don't want you to call here any more, but his calls never stopped

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Finance
Number: 909-740-8220


Art - 11-12-2014

The fuckers who called from this number had a recorded message play upon me answering the phone, and they gave no company name or option to opt out of future calls. The recording was about "my" account or something. They're obviously scammers. Beware of these cowardly, anonymous pricks.

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 909-740-8220


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