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Alice Carter - 09-07-2010

I believe this individual calls every few weeks. His name and phone numbers keep changing. Caller ID shows an in-state # yet in his voice message he leaves 917-645-0004. Says that it's of the utmost importance that I or my attorney of record return his call. If not, all he can do is wish me is good luck. He then continues to call till I pick up. If I pick up, he'll say something like "so, the last 4 digits of your social security are 4317." I say NO. He say YES they are. I say NO they aren't. Then, he asks "what are they?" I said to him, "what do you think I'm stupid? Do U really think I'm going to tell you? If you know so much about me and this supposed loan I owe money on you should have that information." I ended the call. Hung up the phone. He called back!!!! Tried to scare me by saying he was only trying keep the police from coming to my home on Monday and arresting me. I said "No problem, I was sure that the police wouldn't arrest ne as I had no outstanding loans." This was the conversation I had with him about 2 weeks ago. Today he left an urgent voice mail.
I'm sure he'll be calling back shortly as I'm certainly not returning his call.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Brian Thomas
Number: 917-645-0004


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