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stephanie - 04-25-2014

Same thing happened to me- his name is Ricardo and could barely speak english. I asked him what this was about but he wouldn't tell me only told me it was in reference to a car warranty for my Dad's car. Meanwhile he called my cell phone. Scam. This is not the 1st time they have called. I asked them not to call again- lets see hwat happens.

Number: 917-819-8071


Adam Karl - 03-24-2014

The guy who cold called me (he refused to give his name) asked about the mileage on my car in reference to some make believe car warranty he was calling about (my warranty expired last year). When I tried to question him as to who he was or what company he was calling from he hung up. Sounds like a scam to me

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 917-819-8071


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