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Central Office: PITTSBURG, CA - PACIFIC BELL [?]

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john - 12-17-2014

Here is the number of the telemarketing director (Uzzi) - 310-743-2501. He is the one responsible for all the annoying calls we have all been receiving from A1-Solar. I got this number from an A-1 Solar employee after complaining and then inquiring who they specifically retain for these phone calling services. I asked for names and numbers. Above is what I received. Please give him a call every time you receive a call from these guys and let him know how you feel.

Company: Pcific Bell
Number: 925-439-8689


john - 12-17-2014

Here is the number of the telemarketing director (Uzzi) - 310-743-2501. He is the one responsible for all the annoying calls we have all been receiving from A1-Solar. I got this number from an A-1 Solar employee after complaining and then inquiring who they specifically retain for these phone calling services. I asked for names and numbers. Above is what I received. Please give him a call every time you receive a call from these guys and let him know how you feel.

Number: 925-439-8689


getting the run around - 11-11-2014

Same thing...get a call repeatedly on my cell phone from 925-439-8689 and when I call it back it says it is disconnected!

Caller type: Other
Number: 925-439-8689


Pissed off - 11-11-2014

this number calls anytime of the day and hangs up but when called the recording says it's a disconnected number ......

Caller type: Fax Machine
Company: Pcific Bell
Number: 925-439-8689


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