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Scam_Fighter - 05-18-2014

I received some calls from 928-362-2347, while I was out today. Since they left NO message, it is definitely some faker or huckster that wants to pull off another scam. Anyone that does not leave a message is not legitimate; therefore, if I happen to actually be at home when they call again, I will NOT pick up the phone. Since I do not know anyone from the 928 area code, I will even block that entire area code, in case they use different numbers. These days, there are all types of scams, frauds, hucksters, phonies, fakers, hackers, and criminals out there that have all types of nefarious ways to get people's information and/or money. I never cease to be amazed at all of this type of stupidity, nonsense, and fraudulent activity out there. These people need to get a life!

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 928-362-2347


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