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Tired of SMANSCAMS - 02-26-2015

I just received the same call, transferred from our front desk. The lady claimed to be from the North Carolina CVB and wanted to talk about booking a convention or meeting in NC. As I Googled the phone #, I explained our Corp Office has a Training Center that we hold our meetings. The tone in her voice got a little louder/forceful, adamant to set up a meeting since she would be in Nashville soon. I declined. She asked who else she could talk to and I politely advised her I am the Travel Manager and that it would be no one else. Her response was "Really?" Mine was also "Really!" About the time I hung up on her, I see that the number she used is actually a land line in FLORIDA! My internet was just a little slow or else I would not have entertained her that long!

Caller: Sandra Stern
Company: Did not specify exactly
Number: 954-354-5940


Kitty Cat - 10-28-2014

This number keeps calling our office wanting to speak with my boss, but never leaves a message when I pick up the line. I've seen the number call in only to transfer to my line. When I've had to let it go to voice mail, they never leave a message.
One afternoon, I grabbed the line, and asked who was calling and the purpose of the call. The caller answers this is Sandra Stern, calling for the North Carolina CVB. When I asked her number, she replies that it's only an outgoing line. How unfortunate for you, Ms. Stern; my boss won't be calling you back!

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: Sandra Stern
Company: Did not specify exactly
Number: 954-354-5940


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