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anonymous - 12-17-2012

Received a call from 954-800-2740 this afternoon. I was not home to take it, but have an answering machine with caller ID. No one left a message, just hung up. After doing a brief internet search, a few people have stated that this is some sort of a website design business located in Florida trying to sell you their services. Others stated that this was a business that collects current 'good' phone numbers where an actual person answers the phone and NOT a machine. When you answer, they say they must have dialed a wrong number. Your number is then a 'good' number. They then sell the 'good' numbers other agencies. Best advice I can give is don't answer the phone if you don't reconize the number on your caller ID. Hopefully they'll go away (put you on the dead number list) if they're not getting anywhere with your phone number.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 954-800-2740


Law Office - 11-29-2012

These idiots call repeatedly, wait until I completely finish my greeting, then when I simply say “Hello” they hang-up. Good grief, these jerks seriously need to get a life & STOP HARASSING people!

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: ID Reads FLORIDA
Number: 954-800-2740


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