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LJD - 11-24-2015

FRAUD/SCAM ALERT!! Received a call from this number. Female caller claimed to represent "a survey company acting on behalf of a major national polling company." Did not identify her company or the national polling company by name. Caller already had my first name and business name. Claimed it was a business survey and all of my information would be kept confidential. Immediately began asking information about how much money my business made and what bank we used. Repeated attempts to tactfully decline the interview were ignored. This is a PHISHING SCAM for identity theft and BANK FRAUD! Do not respond to any questions!

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 954-908-3795


LJD - 11-24-2015

FRAUD/SCAM ALERT!! Received a call from this number. Female caller claimed to represent "a survey company acting on behalf of a major national polling company." Did not identify her company or the national polling company by name. Caller already had my first name and business name. Claimed it was a business survey and all of my information would be kept confidential. Immediately began asking information about how much money my business made and what bank we used. Repeated attempts to tactfully decline the interview were ignored. This is a PHISHING SCAM for identity theft and BANK FRAUD! Do not respond to any questions!

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Business Survey SCAM
Number: 954-908-3795


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