This isn't the first time i've had calls from here... The woman indicated that she was a "Microsoft support agency" and that's bull as far as i'm concerned... But, i thought i'd sting it along to see what they were after... She wanted me to sit in front of my PC, open the "Run" dialogue box and then type in eventvwr, this in turn opened the windows event viewer (windows XP) She was got me to click on the 'applications' and was interested in the amount of "Error" messages i had, to which i told her i had a few, I was then passed over to a 'male' supervisor who asked what the problems where. When i told him that the errors were down to a program i had intentionally disabled he hug up. I would love to know what there intentions are :-) But nothing surer, it's a con, or a scam of some sort... (or perhaps worse??)
Caller type: Scammer
Number: 999-910-0230
2020年の新素材-新作!高品質 腕時計高品質の追求 超N品を良心価格で提供スーパーコピーブランドバッグ、財布、時計代引き専門店2020年人気最新品、新素材! には、ルイヴィトンコピー、シャネルコピー、グッチコピー、コーチコピー、ロレックスコピー、プラダコピー、ブルガリ財布コピーその他小物等、ブランド品、、ルイヴィトン、プラダ、グッチ、シャネル、ブルガリ、デュポン }}}}}}
★顧客は至上 誠実 信用。
Caller type: Fax Machine
Company: Google
Number: 999-910-0230