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Duis in dictum turpis - 04-05-2014

Vestibulum dignissim
libero in tincidunt fringilla.

Cras a blandit sapien.
Fusce tincidunt fringilla
orci sit amet congue.

Morbi pellentesque
felis sit amet aliquet

enean blandit eros non mi
lobortis varius.

Donec scelerisque porttitor eros.
Etiam quis viverra velit.
Fusce sapien neque,

porta nec tellus ut,
mollis molestie quam.

Pellentesque habitant
morbi tristique senectus
et netus et malesuada

fames ac turpis egestas.
Fusce tempus nisl at

lacus consequat

Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora
torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos.

In eget libero eget
velit viverra vulputate.
Ut laoreet malesuada

Donec commodo nibh
id nulla lobortis,
non luctus lacus ornare.

Integer sit amet
pellentesque erat.

Ut quis metus est.
Duis interdum fringilla

Sed et dolor sit
amet elit eleifend posuere.

Nunc at nibh et
turpis aliquam
feugiat id non dui.

Suspendisse gravida
purus quis lacus rutrum,
nec blandit tellus vestibulum.
Sed rutrum ligula

quis tristique molestie.
Vestibulum eu iaculis erat,
sed viverra mi.

In consequat urna sit
amet turpis volutpat,
vestibulum suscipit

sem posuere.
Nulla dapibus
rutrum vulputate.

In sed lectus ac sem
euismod tincidunt.
Cras non mollis justo.

Integer molestie ligula
ut lectus eleifend,

dictum facilisis
nisi sagittis.
Fusce blandit erat ve
tellus vehicula

Sed malesuada
sed leo euismod,

ut commodo
quam imperdiet.
Quisque et

lacus at libero
suscipit commodo
eu eget dolor.

Nunc iaculis ornare tellus,
in suscipit sapien
bibendum nec.

Nullam massa justo,
tempor a lectus tincidunt,
dictum facilisis elit.
Donec velit lorem,

rhoncus non urna sit amet,
tristique pharetra lorem.

Duis vehicula orci massa,
vitae laoreet mauris ornare non.

Duis at augue id augue
scelerisque euismod.

Fusce mattis tortor enim,
vitae placerat justo

vehicula nec.
Proin eu arcu scelerisque,
tincidunt odio in,
tempor arcu.

Pellentesque dolor ligula,
luctus ut mattis at,
cursus ac sem.
Duis in dictum turpis,
a dignissim lectus.

Sed sit amet dolor
placerat enim sed,
condimentum libero.

Aliquam erat volutpat.

Sed ut nibh id leo accumsan

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Sed sit amet - 04-05-2014

Sed sit amet dolor
placerat enim sed,
condimentum libero.

Aliquam erat volutpat.

Sed ut nibh id leo accumsan

Vestibulum ac varius turpis,
a tincidunt tortor.

Curabitur id mi et justo
pharetra volutpat.

Nunc consequat arcu facilisis,
consectetur ante aliquet,
posuere mauris.
Nullam aliquet lectus
eget consequat lacinia.
In non tellus neque.
Vestibulum tempus,
augue non placerat pharetra,
nulla dui varius sem,
sed luctus dolor neque
in odio.

Aenean a dui malesuada,
gravida leo non,
venenatis velit.
Aenean commodo dolor libero,
eu pretium nulla luctus eu.

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Randy Chery Craftsman Millwork - 04-04-2014

I am Randy from Craftsman Millwork, Canada. I like to share my experience with Robin from 604 Paint It. Me and Cheryl was not much sure about the results. But we gave a chance to 604 Paint It team to paint our premises. Surprisingly they did a great job and amazed us with the quick results delivered by 604 Paint It team. More important job was performed within allowed budget.

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Andy Theresa Lighthouse Construction - 04-04-2014


We have hired a painter two months ago to paint our studio. He took about a week and messed up our studio. We lost much money and time with him. It was very frustrating and a setback to us. Few days ago of one of our friend suggested to call Robin from 604 Paint IT. Now we are so pleased with our decision to call 604 Paint It. Our studio is so well painted by 604 Paint It. Just like our friend we also like to recommend to others.

Thank You

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Peter West Vancouver Condo - 04-04-2014

I am very pleased to share my experience for Robin of 604 Paint It. He is a very genuine guy and providing quality services. This is forth time I have hired 604 Paint It in last few years. Anyone can hire him without a second thought.

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Darin Mould Macgregor Reality - 04-04-2014

Darin Mould from Macgregor Reality like to share experience with 604 Paint It. Hired Robin for painting my home and garage about a month ago. He painted very well and very quickly. He took 2 days max to paint and clean everything. I am surprised with his quality services.

Very good experience with 604 Paint It and like to suggest him to everyone looking to paint their house.

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


King Gamong South Delta home - 04-04-2014

I was looking for a painter to paint my house and I had contacted many local service providers. But I found most of them are talking much but less to do. Finally I selected Robin from 604 Paint It. Now I am very happy with my decision because I got unmatched services. 604 Paint It – Painted the exterior and interior so well within allotted money and time frame.

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Jon M Vancouver - 04-04-2014

This is Jon here. I am a Vancouver resident and last week hired 604 Paint It first time for painting my home. I am really happy with prompt services provided but 604 Paint It. They Painted my home very good and within the time and estimated budget.

I am planning to hire 604 Paint It guys again for painting my workshop. I also please to recommend to other who are looking for good painting service providers.

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Samantha Barbera Sunshine Coast Canada - 04-04-2014

Robin from 604PaintIt – Painted various high end properties on Sunshine Coast. I am a experienced real estate agent. I am recommending 604 Paint It to most of my clients. Its not so easy to recommend any one to my clients but these guys delivering prompt results each time. I will keep referring more clients to them.

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


V Singh - 04-03-2014

Hey Ben, Stop putting that serious charges on others. Its really not so funny as you may feeling.

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Steven - 03-23-2014

on craigslist there is a flagg button if someone has posted

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Sam - 03-23-2014

i agree its ridiculious anyone can post anything they want at anytime..

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


shane - 03-23-2014

that is the ridicilious,, i know robin on a personal and buisness level as well and he is not anything but a haredworking family man and contractor.. It is very sad that people can be slandered here for no reason you shld be allowed to flag posts

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Robin - 03-23-2014

I am a legitimate contractor with 4 kids and a wife ..I am honest and hardvworking and would neverv have anything to what you are implying.. this has been going on for years because of a rivalry betwwen my families bike shop valley motorsports and sinclair motorsports .. both of which I have nothing to do with .. I have always done great wrk and treated people very fairly. . I have been ignoring you peoples slander forvyears now.. but I can promise you this if you keep slandering me for no reason I will ignore it no futher .. I will find you and I will make you wish that you kept the fued between the parties involved and not myself.. I swear this on the lifes of my children ..

Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit


Ben - 03-19-2014


Does anyone recognize any of these men? (brutal acid attack in surrey)

Please contact crime stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS with any information regarding this attack and the men who may be involved......we also believe that other men were involved in the planning of this targeted attack and we will be contacting them for questioning......DAN LAYBOURN OF VALLEY MOTORSPORTS AND SAGA CANADA HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A PRIME SUSPECT HIRED ON SON ROBIN LAYBOURN AND IS HE THE ONE BEHIND THIS ATTACK!!!!!! I THINK SO IN MY OPINION AND HEARING THEM PLAN IT OUT.LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS BOYS.
Caller: Robin Laybourn Painting.Or 604-paintit. 604-724-6848 or 604-837-8724

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: robin
Company: 604-paintit
Number: 604-724-6848

