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Scruffy the Xenu Slayer - 03-31-2017

Scientology, aka, Cult of Greed, aka, Operation Snow White - don't answer your phone. It is pointless to try to get them to take you off of their list. They are brainwashed to be unaffected by anger or threats (search "TR Bullbait"). Best to make them think it's an inactive number. Here are some of their other numbers to block. They DO NOT just call from California numbers:

(625) 578-9869
(323) 580-5520
(858) 378-9869
(786) 819-3907
(646) 625-0477
(727) 214-5862
(323) 960-3543
(323) 953-3339
(443) 734-0791
(464) 371-1566
(209) 396-5728
(323) 310-0693
(424) 203-4472
(323) 953-3396
(323) 953-3439
(323) 953-3386
(424) 203-4878

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: automaton
Company: Church of Scientology
Number: 424-203-4878


dack - 06-17-2014

politicians will never give up their opinion polls. they make sure they have a loophole

Caller: automaton
Company: Venture Data Call Research


gregory dearth - 05-21-2013

I am on the do-not-call list and yet Venture Data Call Research wished to violate this by calling my cellular phone at about 7 pm EST. I did not answer and it did not leave a message so I called the number back. An automated message advised they obtain political or product satisfaction info and do not sell anything and to forward any comments to and then just disconnected. I sent a brief email advising they called a restricted number and to remove my number.

Caller type: Surveyor
Caller: automaton
Company: Venture Data Call Research
Number: 540-904-1964

