Bestart and Mir
As a former co-chair of the Ninigret Park delvpoement, I advise the Town to consult with the USFWS to determine compatibility with the Refuge. Acquisition of that property was/is conditional on that all park uses are compatible with USFWS. If a proposed activity is not considered a compatible use, it simply can't be done.
Caller: Bestart and Mir
Company: EOS CCA
It is hard to believe that the only buenssis model Indian Reservations have, is one for casinos. After all of the heritage that Native Americans have given us, why leave these monstosities as their next legacy? Wouldn't it be great if they invested in commerce that is tune with nature and their beliefs?
Caller: Bestart and Mir
Company: EOS CCA
Caller ID is Bestart and Mir. A CELLPHONE. 281 River Street, Hackensack NJ A Toyota Dealership Lot. EOS CCA Corporate Headquarters 700 Longwater Drive, Norwell, MA 20061 One of the largest debt collection agencies in the US Paul E. Leary, Sr. Founder, Paul E. Leary, Jr, CEO 800-886-9177 Fax: 781-681-4340 PROBABLE ID THEFT/MEDICARE FRAUD
Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Bestart and Mir
Company: EOS CCA
Number: 201-546-5232
Comments on Lighting: So I guess the target is local Business, since Planning ecexudls Residents. I guess they don't count for some reason, I wonder why? This Amendment stinks like manure and all the whip cream you put on it it still stinks like manure. Charlie (local Business person)
Caller: Bestart and Mir
Company: EOS CCA