Chris Abline
Tweeting this now outstanding! This post works on so many lelves: etiquette, professionalism, and the myth of multitasking. It's amazing that instead of letting the technology help us manage all of our many contacts and commitments, we're tempted to let it make us ultra-available. We might think that ultra-available is what our clients want from us, but as you've illustrated, Wendy, it only makes us able to offend multiple clients at once! Besides that, it's no way to live.Idea: Multitasking: it's multioffensive. I'll work on that. Ha!
Caller: Chris Abline
This guy Chris is pimping this older woman named Arena -- She is a hooker from Hamburg and not very good looking either and her skills are bad- wasted my cash and time. if knew i was texting with a dude and not her I would never had met that tramp.
Caller type: Other
Caller: Chris Abline
Number: 201-912-6299
Nx3nIm ozvbrvjogjga
Caller: Chris Abline