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Amr - 09-12-2015

Smile on the phone, when you smile the tone of your voice changesTake notes!! As the ceilnt is talking make sure you are writing down what they are saying. If they have to repeat several points, they may feel you are not paying attention. Note taking will also help you with your first meeting. It will allow you to prepare with pictures, colour swatches, fabrics, flowers etc…Sure this doesn’t mean they are going to go with exactly what you are showing them at the meeting, but it does show that you are just as excited over their event as they are. Another great thing about samples is that most brides are visual & touchy feely, and it gives you a jumping off point.Going out of your way! We meet a lot of our ceilnts at the venue they have chosen for their event. As it is our job to transform the venue it’s easy for us to imagine the completed room. Remember that because they have a vision for their day doesn’t mean they can see how it can all come together. Or how the venue they’ve chosen can be transformed to the vision they have. It’s your job to show them it can be done.Ask the open-ended questions. This will give the ceilnt time to explain what they want and you’ll have a better feel for who they are. Do not rush the ceilnt on the phone…Always end the phone conversation with, I/we are really looking forward to meeting you and discussing your event in more detail. And like Preston mentioned, thank them.My ceilntal does not have the budgets that a lot of you or Preston may work with, but I believe the fundamentals of getting the bookings are the same. Good luck!!

Caller: Microsoft
Company: Claimed Microsoft