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Como Law Firm

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Skye - 07-10-2014

Calls from this number are from Como Law Firm who are nothing but a group low-life nasty worthless bottom feeder bill collectors trying to squeeze the last few cents out of hardworking good people so they can maybe come out in the black on that truckload of old debt they paid pennies on the dollar for. Pile on gobs of those unjustified, always inflated fictional fantasy fees and service charges too. And from the bottom of not just one, but many legal toilet bowl bottoms there seems to be a never ending supply, the focus of their primary mission statement being founded on greed. . . . . . Wow! Lets get rich!? NOT!!! Como Law Firm - Try providing a real service. You know, like turning out a simple, positive, cost effective product that helps those in need to get themselves freed.

Company: Como Law Firm
Number: 877-201-6031


Jo - 05-27-2009

I've just spoken with the most annoying caller on the face of the earth. A bottom-feeder no less. Watch out for this collection agency. They mean evil business.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Como Law Firm
Number: 651-641-0443

