David Zane
This phone number was and may still be used by someone who calls himself David Zane. This person uses a false online identity to deceive many people. This phone number was once registered to a Julie Chapek who claimed she was "best friends" with David Zane. This person has been proven to be "fake" with more information on www.davidmatthewzane.weebly.com
Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: David Zane
Number: 216-323-5262
This is just one of the numbers David Matthew Zane has used. He finds girls on the internet, several on Myspace and establishes relationship online and on the phone. He is a liar, a manipulator, and will make you feel like youre going crazy. He has been established as being an internet faker using other peoples pictures as his own. He is a predator and changes his phone number often.
Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: David Zane
Number: 215-323-5262