FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android

Diego Pombo

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Sy - 11-08-2014

Same to me...
but why whatsapp has to use The number
of one of your contavts an do not use The system?
I don't know...
but The área code is for Palm Beach Fl.

Caller: Diego Pombo
Company: WhatsApp


ZueK - 11-07-2014

After I sent a message to family members in Mexico through WhatsApp, an unsolicited message from Diego Pombo, "WhatsApp Mexico director" requested me to send his message to all my WhatsApp contacts to confirm users of the app. Otherwise, they will deactivate my account.
By resending the message, they would wave the $0.37 message fee what would start tomorrow.
The message was in Spanish and I read another post from the same number with the same wording from a such "Sindy Cantor"

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Diego Pombo
Company: WhatsApp
Number: 561-932-5713

