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Energy Eficient Program

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sc - 01-23-2015

Ok I have figured out who these people are and what they do. They call themselves Energy Efficiency Program claiming its a government program. They want to send out an auditor to audit your home free of charge. Then they say this person can help you lower your home energy bills up to 35%. Then the young woman said something about you will qualify for a loan up to 4500 to do necessary repairs.....riiiiiigggggghhhhhttttt. I believe they are scam artists trying to get into your home as well as fish for information. I say this because Duke Energy or whomever runs your homes' electricity or you natural gas offer that free of charge. and you know that they work for the company. Don't trust them and they called me 25 times yesterday after I told the girl I called back there that she sounded ghetto and rachet ad that it could be a business if they hired her to work there sounding as unprofessional as she did. now its a whole new day and they still calling. don't give them any of your info cuz God only knows what they are doing with it. Instead if you have a smart phone, place them on block with your device or get an app that hangs up as soon as they call. Hope this helps!

Caller type: Other
Company: Energy Eficient Program
Number: 704-764-6524

