Tried to collect payment from me for a payday loan they claimed I owe. I don't believe this claim. I keep track of all my bills.
Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: FCI
Number: 786-866-9156
He called me telling me that I am under Federal investigation by FCI (Federal Crime Investigation)and I am accused of IRS fraud?
He has been asking me questions that any IRC employee would have access to, when he finally mentioned that I am on conference call with Homeland Security I had to tell him that it is a federal crime to impersonate a federal officer and that I think he was calling from somewhere in Asia.
While I had him on the phone I tried calling that number but answer and he hung up.
Very hard to understand him since English has a very thick accent and he kept calling "mate".
Very bizarre phone call, I had not second thought that it was a scam
Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Steve Walker
Company: FCI
Number: 202-241-4905