"Grandson" wanting money due to a breakdown. We have no grandson driving. Scam call!!!!!!!!
Caller type: Other
Caller: grandson
Number: 434-374-2626
Caller said, "Hi, Grandma". When I asked what I could do for him, he hung up.
Caller type: Scammer
Caller: grandson
Number: 440-555-7495
Called and said hi Gramma do you know who this is. Then gave a long story about a small car accident where the police gave him a breathalyzer - he blew a .1 and was going to go to jail if she didn't send $700. Gave 2 904 area code numbers for the "police station" and "lawyer". Neither were good numbers.
Caller type: Scammer
Caller: grandson
Number: 305-330-6903
Same caller called my grandparents telling them that he, their grandson, was drunk driving and needed money for bail in Virginia (none of their grandsons are there). Big scam!
Caller type: Scammer
Caller: grandson
Number: 434-374-2626