FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android

Grouveland FL

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Annoyed - 07-17-2015

10 July 2015 at 7:22pm EST

Caller Id came up Groveland, FL. He said He was from Florida Association of State Troopers-because I couldn't hear person after he said he was from FL State Patrol & Troopers Association. I wondered if it was a real call to raise funds or not.

Caller: Grouveland FL
Company: Grouveland FL 352 366 0701


P3d01 - 07-10-2015

352 366 0701 This number called me today, they just hung the phone

Caller type: Other
Caller: Grouveland FL
Company: Grouveland FL 352 366 0701
Number: 352-366-0701

