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Hours 1 2Special Guest Michael Mirras tells us his approach to fnihtigg debt

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Peter - 04-21-2012

Hours 1 & 2:Special Guest Michael Mirras tells us his approach to fnihtigg debt collectorsRandy informs us about the importance of knowing who it is that is demanding information from us in their role as a public servant. The U.S. Supreme Court case of Screws v U.S. (93 U.S. 361) is highly relevant to this matter.Hours 3 & 4:Mike Mirras discusses Caller’s questions.Overtime:Michael takes more callers’ questions.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: Peter
Company: Hours 1 2Special Guest Michael Mirras tells us his approach to fnihtigg debt
Number: 614-823-6403

