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James Williams

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TM - 12-09-2013

Received a call at work stating they need to serve me papers for my signature and if I do not reply in order to issue a stop order, they will serve the papers at work or home. Did not say what company, just that he is a private courier working out of his home. REALLY?! On top of that, leaving the message at my department's main number with all this info and case number? It is a violation! All I can say is, BRING IT ON!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: James Williams
Number: 877-338-8116


nickster81 - 12-04-2013

The agent called my partner and said he was going to serve me papers at my home or place of employment. Can they do that on a phone number not id'd to me? I have moved to the west coast but when they called it had a Texas number. Oh well... They are harassing me.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: James Williams
Number: 877-338-8116

