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Lee Chandler most likely fake name

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Tired of scammers - 09-25-2015

Received a call from a guy with Indian accent calling himself Officer Lee Chandler badge number 4927 from the Sheriff's department. The spin was that they spoofed the phone number to look as if they were calling from the real Sheriff department. According to him there was a charge against me and I need to call an officer Thomas O'Brien at phone number 347-418-0425. I check this number and it is connected to a scam number. I also called the Sheriff department and they never heard of an officer by that name. Be careful: This is a scam and they are trying to make it real by masking the number to look as if it coming from a real sheriff/ police station.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Lee Chandler most likely fake name
Company: Pretends to be a Sheriffs office
Number: 347-418-0425

