This message is intended for Susie Auddel. The very second you receive this message, I need YOU or your retained attorney of records to return the call The issue at hand is extremely time sensitive -- my name is Jacob Morris – and the hotline to my division is -- (646) 740-0598 -- again that's 646 -740 -- 0598 – Don’t disregard this message. Return the call! If you don’t return the call and I don’t hear from your attorney either, the only thing I can do is wish you good luck as the situation unfolds on you. Thank you and have a blessed day.
This message is intended for Susie Auddel. The very second you receive this message, I need YOU or your retained attorney of records to return the call The issue at hand is extremely time sensitive -- my name is Jacob Morris – and the hotline to my division is -- (646) 740-0598 -- again that's 646 -740 -- 0598 – Don’t disregard this message. Return the call! If you don’t return the call and I don’t hear from your attorney either, the only thing I can do is wish you good luck as the situation unfolds on you. Thank you and have a blessed day.
Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Man with Indian accent
Company: Jacob Morris imposter
Number: 646-740-0598