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Mark or Townes

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lisa - 04-19-2012

Thanks Tammy!! I got a call from this Mark or Townes said he works for the FBI... Total scam trust me if the FBI is looking for you they will come to your home or place of employment.. asking to settle a bad check charge over the phone.. I don't write checks so..

Caller: Mark or Townes
Company: PNA or CNA Investigators
Number: 770-458-6786


Tammy - 03-15-2012

This was super helpful, I always check numbers before I call them just to see if they are collectors and sure enough when i read this comment of yours it is the exact same person calling me from the exact same number so needless to say I will not be calling this number back. Thanks!

Caller: Mark or Townes
Company: PNA or CNA Investigators
Number: 770-458-6786


Seth - 02-22-2012

This guy called my family (sister, in-laws and my parents) looking for me, and when I called, said they were trying to collect money from me because of some check fraud I was mixed up in and "would I be willing to settle the matter now, over the phone." First thing is, I have never been involved in check fraud. My credit is ok, not great, but I checked freecreditreport to make sure I didnt have outstanding debts. Secondly, when he called for the 2nd time, I asked the guy (once he said his name was "Mark", another time he said it was "Townes") what his address was so I could verify his business. He got SUPER defensive and started to yell. Needless to say this group (or individual) is EXTREMELY PREDATORY and is A TOTAL SHAM. Anyway, I hung up and called the Lilburn, GA police to file a report. Hope this is helpful.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Mark or Townes
Company: PNA or CNA Investigators
Number: 770-458-6786

