FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android

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Mike - 10-16-2015

This is some payday loan company. Saying congratulations you qualified for a payday loan. Never applied.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: payday loan
Company: not specified
Number: 518-989-2289


clair - 08-11-2015

Phone rang but caller did not leave a message. Suspect it is a robo-call

Caller type: Other
Caller: caller Id Scranton Pa
Company: not specified
Number: 570-983-3764


CC - 07-23-2015

Credit card spam.

Fuck off

Caller: not specified
Company: not specified
Number: 704-228-0527


CC - 07-23-2015

Credit card spam.

Fuck off

Caller: not specified
Company: not specified
Number: 704-228-0527


R - 04-11-2015

Me too. Seems like a scam

Caller: Legal complaint
Company: not specified


Mary W - 04-10-2015

I received voice mail that they had received a 'legal complaint' regarding 'tax evasion'. Did not call back, not sure if it's legit.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Legal complaint
Company: not specified
Number: 347-625-8793


jmonahan - 02-04-2015

This number answered via SMS text message to an ad placed in Craigslist. I was immediately offered, sight unseen, $150 more than I was asking for the item.
The "messenger" would not talk to me by voice, giving excuses for such.
The scammer then offered to pay via a cashier's check or paypal.
All of this happened between 12am and 2am - not really business hours.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: not specified
Company: not specified
Number: 520-284-6239


jmonahan - 02-04-2015

This number answered via SMS text message to an ad placed in Craigslist. I was immediately offered, sight unseen, $150 more than I was asking for the item.
The "messenger" would not talk to me by voice, giving excuses for such.
The scammer then offered to pay via a cashier's check or paypal.
All of this happened between 12am and 2am - not really business hours.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: not specified
Company: not specified
Number: 520-284-6239


L_Field - 10-24-2014

Claims to be 2 different people... Agent Groves, and Detective Neal. Claims to be calling because of bad checks from my bank. I spoke with my bank, and what a shock... They have nothing against me. This guy left a voicemail on my phone yesterday, and must have thought that he disconnected, but I got an entire conversation of him and a girl talking about going clubbing last night. Next step is to go to my phone company to see if they can just block the number.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Agent Groves Detective Neal
Company: not specified
Number: 678-825-3504


T - 05-29-2011

Odd call asking us to call 800-682-1042 to "verify" an order placed and to confirm shipping address. Hung up and called credit card co to cancel card.

Caller: unrecognizable
Company: not specified
Number: 213-488-7906

