Nuvox Communications
Idiots keep calling, but never say anything when I answer. I call the number back and get a message that no one is available.
This is a company called Nuvox Communications from Pensacola Florida.
They are located at 600 University Office Blvd and their office number is 850-474-4112.
Caller type: Scammer
Company: Nuvox Communications
Number: 850-266-7292
Did not leave name line is busy when I called the number
Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Nuvox Communications
Number: 256-444-4745
told my son "she has questions for lynn Erickson. asked for lynn's work phone number. wouldn't tell son why.
Caller type: Other
Caller: Hiedi
Company: Nuvox Communications
Number: 618-216-6281