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Officer Scott Peyton Clark Officer Smith

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Pissed off - 07-29-2014

This is a complete scam they call trying to bullying into giving them money. Once you start asking them questions they come unglued cussing, making obscene comments and threating your life. Obviously they have nothing better to do with their time that will keep looping calls into your phone you can tell it the same person very bad broken english. You can tell not a bill collector they know the law. They will tell the police is coming they never do I filed harrassment the local and the New York police recorded these fools. Get a job if you need money dummies. It actually becomes very funny when you turn the tables on them. The officer got on the phone told them to call him and harass him he hung up. Cowards Punks Smuck of the earth DON NOT GIVE THEM MONEY

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Officer Scott Peyton Clark Officer Smith
Company: Legal Department
Number: 646-401-0186

