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Pat Armstrong

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Danielle - 04-03-2014

They call and claim to be from "Canadian Credit Management" which is a phony company. They are actually employed by Cedar Publishing who use deceptive practices to trick people into accepting an ad in their scam magazine. Ours was for their Missing Kids magazine which has absolutely nothing to do with Child Find Canada or any other organization and is basically just a magazine full of ads with a few pictures of missing kids. One of them is in the magazine 4 or 5 times. The money is purely ad revenue for Cedar Publishing. They tricked our receptionist into okaying the ad by telling her that they needed to verify our business information for our ad. Now they are trying to scare us into paying for this 2012 ad by claiming they are calling from a collection agency! If you get any calls from Missing Kids, Cedar Publishing, Cdn Credit Mgmt etc HANG UP IMMEDIATELY!!!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Pat Armstrong
Company: Canadian Credit Management
Number: 877-159-1739


Canadian Credit Management - 04-03-2014

They call and claim to be from "Canadian Credit Management" which is a phony company. They are actually employed by Cedar Publishing who use deceptive practices to trick people into accepting an ad in their scam magazine. Ours was for their Missing Kids magazine which has absolutely nothing to do with Child Find Canada or any other organization and is basically just a magazine full of ads with a few pictures of missing kids. One of them is in the magazine 4 or 5 times. The money is purely ad revenue for Cedar Publishing. They tricked our receptionist into okaying the ad by telling her that they needed to verify our business information for our ad. Now they are trying to scare us into paying for this 2012 ad by claiming they are calling from a collection agency! If you get any calls from Missing Kids, Cedar Publishing, Cdn Credit Mgmt etc HANG UP IMMEDIATELY!!!

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: Pat Armstrong
Company: Canadian Credit Management
Number: 877-159-1739

