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People Marketing Services

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Eric - 05-07-2014

THIS IS A FRUD. These people are located in USA, but they are using Canadian numbers. This is a scam related to secret shopper. Her name is "Stephanie Wilson". They will call you and just you a job, with a trial period. If you accept the trial period they will send you a package within 2 business days. The package will contain instructions and a check, usually two thousand dollars. You will deposit the check into your account and since it takes a week to bounce, you will temporarily have access to that money (it is your money). They will ask you to take all the cash and leave 200 for you and do a secret shop, and then they will ask you to transfer the rest of the money using MoneyGaram or western union to some people in US. If you transfer that money, you are giving away your money because the bank cheque will bounce and your bank will take 2000 from your account and plus counterfeit fees. This is a FRAUD. If they call tell them you are not interested. They have another phone number that they are using. is +1.416.548.5555

Caller type: Other
Caller: Stephanie Wilson
Company: People Marketing Services
Number: 647-829-7597

