518-314-0037 is a Telemarketing Firm (They represent many fund raisers) They employee aggressive people on purpose
Their usual scam is "Raising Money for the Police/Sherriff departments etc" (my friends in law always tell me Don't Donate to them)
IF YOU CALL THE NUMBER BACK you can choose the Option to REMOVE Your Number from their Call List
518-314-0037 is a Telemarketing Firm (They represent many fund raisers) They employee aggressive people on purpose
Their usual scam is "Raising Money for the Police/Sherriff departments etc" (my friends in law always tell me Don't Donate to them)
IF YOU CALL THE NUMBER BACK you can choose the Option to REMOVE Your Number from their Call List
Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Represents Police and Sherriff Depts
Number: 518-314-0037