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JP - 02-11-2014

Caller left a message on my office phone stating he was calling me about time sensitive issue a lawsuit against me. I need to return his call soon or have my attorney contact him. If I ignore the message and not return the call, he wished me good luck in the action against me.

At no time did "Rick" identify the alleged agency he was representing.

I have also received similar calls at my home phone and my cell phone. In every instance it was someone with an Indian accent. At times I could not understand what the person was saying in the messages.

Last week I received a phone call that I answered from the same number stating I was being sued. I asked what this was in reference to and what company he was with but the called wouldn't give me any information.

The called stated "I demand you give me your supervisor's name and phone number." Then he demanded I give him my attorney's number. I informed him he is to no longer call me at work and I will not give him any information. He started to scream at me and I hung up the phone. He tried calling me three times in a row afterwards and each time I disconnected the call.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Rick
Number: 469-208-0077