FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android

said hes from Microsoft

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Sdawn - 08-20-2014

I have been receiving calls from this number for months, and sometimes more than once a day. It is always a male with an Indian accent, and he tells me he's from Microsoft. He says he's received a lot of error reports, and to keep my computer from crashing I need to go to it immediately, and follow the steps as he walks me through them. Don't bother asking not to be called again, or reminding him of the fact you're on the do not call registry because it won't keep him from calling again...and again...and again. Now I politely tell him I don't own a PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, and he hangs up on me. I don't know why he continues to call me if all of our conversations end with him hanging up on me.

Company: said hes from Microsoft
Number: 989-366-0199

