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Susan Davydov Ava Adams > New Comment

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Margaret - 05-08-2015

Susan called me to inform me that I have 3 charges against me & that the local police would be sent to my work to arrest me for tax evasion. She advised me that they mailed a letter on 3/22/15 & that today was the deadline for my case. I was transferred to Ava, a supervisor, because I did not receive any letters & I wanted to know what I have to do to dispute the case. They were very detailed & specific - they gave me names, department names, badge numbers, the case #, how much I supposedly owe. They asked me if I had ever been arrested, filed for bankruptcy, had foreign transactions, or parking/speeding tickets. I called my accountant & he said it was a common scam.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Susan Davydov Ava Adams
Company: IRS
Number: 904-638-5956