Caller told me that I had a court date of tomorrow (would be the next day) at 11:00AM and it is a time sensitive matter. Indicated calling from a law firm and I need to have my attorney, too.
Another phone number, international numbers shows up on caller ID: 052540068
The circuits are usually busy when you try to call the "512" number. I finally talked to Susan Watson. I asked her to spell the law firm name; she put me on hold to spell it. I asked her what was her Texas bar code. She began yelling at me and told me that she was just customer service and that I needed to resolve the matter. I was NEVER told what the matter was.
Caller told me that I had a court date of tomorrow (would be the next day) at 11:00AM and it is a time sensitive matter. Indicated calling from a law firm and I need to have my attorney, too.
Another phone number, international numbers shows up on caller ID: 052540068
The circuits are usually busy when you try to call the "512" number. I finally talked to Susan Watson. I asked her to spell the law firm name; she put me on hold to spell it. I asked her what was her Texas bar code. She began yelling at me and told me that she was just customer service and that I needed to resolve the matter. I was NEVER told what the matter was.
Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Susan Watson
Company: Anticrime Division
Number: 512-729-0221