FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android

vicki long

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j - 11-17-2011

This is a scam. The FBI has released a press statement about this number. This "Vicki" may also call you from 216-202-8297 . She CLAIMS to be a lawyer and that you or a relative has a pending civil or criminal action against you. She will want you to call the 877-311-1672 number as soon as possible. She will claim that she has "notified" you at this point.

When you call the follow up number, either "Dan" "Michael" or "Jake" will answer. They claim to be from "World Wide Mediators"; a debt mediation service. They will demand to know the last four digits of your social security number or that of a relative. These people are identity theives who hope that they can scare unsuspecting people into giving out bank information.

Keep in mind that even if you or a relative DO have a debt, any legitimate debt collection agency will send you written notification and would know your address. When you talk to these people, they REFUSE to give out THEIR address (because if the police knew where they were, they would be arrested on the spot). Do NOT fall for this scam and do NOT give out your personal information to these people. If these people do contact you, stay calm, get as much info as you can about them, and notify the police and the FBI. I sincerely hope that the FBI NAILS these punks as soon as possible.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: vicki long
Company: world wide mediation
Number: 877-311-1672

