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West Bank FSC 1st West Bank

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Tuesday - 02-14-2014

This was a weirder-than-usual one:

I was on the phone with tech support, troubleshooting a recently-purchased computer. The agent had control of my laptop, too. The caller i.d. showed a call was coming in but I just wanted to see the number vs. taking the call.

I never clicked on to the call... It literally booted me off of my tech support call (don't really know how this is possible, but that's what happened). Without clicking on the incoming call, I heard "...Hello- This is Samantha and I'm calling because you've qualified for free carpet cleaning... blahblahblah"....

(Samantha is a Robo-Calling avatar -non human-)

I wiped the robo-telemarketing call away and the tech support agent was still there. I told him about receiving these stupid robo-calls all of the time so he started searching-out the number that called me on my own computer that was in front of me. We found many online complaints re: this scammer/ fraudster company.

These auto-dialling, robo-telemarketing calls are coming from a local Pasadena, CA, AT&T/ Pacific Bell landline number that used to be West Bank FSC/ 1st West Bank (no longer exists... neither does Pacific Bell for that matter).

They are offering allegedly 'free' carpet cleaning ... as long as you and I have a valid credit/ debit card.

I'm on the Federal Trade Commission's Do Not Call Registry because I have been inundated in the past by these invasive, intrusive robo-telemarketing calls. The FTC says that any telemarketing company ('real' human or avatar) that does not offer an OPT-OUT option is breaking the law.

I called the number back numerous times to request that they stop calling and each time it's been a series of loud beeps/ buzzes. Another time it sounded as if the number was connected to a FAX machine, and sending a FAX. After that, a super-fast 'busy' signal. Each time I received a strange beeping siren-sort of noise.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Robo-Telemarketer Samantha
Company: West Bank FSC 1st West Bank
Number: 626-583-1370

